Hi there! I’m Tricia.

In lieu of a bio, here is a video of my first time doing stand up after taking a comedy class.

Photo from the amazing Alisha Benda

Headshot by the amazing Alisha Benda


Here’s a more traditional bio, if that’s what you’re looking for.

I am a dog lover, skateboarder, and tree hugger with a vicious sweet tooth. I am a creative problem solver and an over-thinker who is learning to trust in the process. I communicate directly, I see strength in vulnerability, and I believe in listening to people in order to truly understand. I am endlessly curious about how people think. I think it’s important to reflect on history — both cultural and personal — in order to build a better tomorrow. It is my belief that we are each a collage of the people and media surrounding us, which is why our work as cultural creators is so significant. The power to change minds through messaging is tremendous, and must be wielded thoughtfully. We must use our place of power to uplift others, through positive representation and messaging.

Currently making brave work at David&Goliath.